Rain, Rain Go Away, Come Again Another Day


These articles are chronicling the newly planted garden and subsequent gardens of a Homeschooler. The garden is for hands-on learning of science, plant life, cycles, minerals, food-chain, and nutrition. All too often, digging in the dirt is vanishing from today’s sanitized society; however, homeschoolers get this luxury. Simply go into the backyard and dig.

Once the garden was established, our homeschooler begins to notice seed fruition when a sprout comes up. After simply putting a seed into the ground, amazing things start to happen.

We have had some bad luck with the rains. Some torrential storms have seriously hurt some of the plants. WP_000661

This is truly going to be written by the Homeschooler – Jonna Lil. She is massively excited and hopes that she inspires other homeschoolers to plant their garden.

Our Garden Continues!

I like rain. Rain helps the flowers grow. We watered our garden with a sprinkler. We did not have to water our garden with a sprinkler when it rains.
It has rained a lot.
Some of our plants did not like this rain. Daddy thinks the corn will not make it. I wanted corn.
We can’t be mad at the rain. It did not mean to hurt the plants. Thunder and lightning did not mean to hurt the plants.

WP_000668What do you think the rain did to the plants?

Rain gives water to the plants. Sometimes the rain made puddles in the garden. It made the ground soft. Mommy kept saying a lot of tomatoes fell over. I liked the mud but the plants do not like the mud. I think the water made them fall over.

Are you sad you lost some plants in your garden?

I am sad we lost plants in our garden. Daddy says that too much water hurts some plants. Daddy says not enough water hurts our plants. Rain does not know how much water it has.
I was going to eat the corn on the cob after Daddy cooked it. I like corn. We will have to buy some from the grocery store now.

Did any plants like a lot of rain?

I think the okra has grown. It stayed small for so long, like me! I can’t wait to eat the okra.

WP_000665Have you eaten anything out of the garden yet?

We have had green peppers in our food. We have had onions. We have had a tomato. Daddy uses lots of basil all the time. It smells great. We have had several salads and lettuce on our burgers on July 4th!
I love our garden and I hope we can get more plants.


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