SFG In Columbia


sfgFor over 40 years Square Foot Gardening has been revolutionizing gardens everywhere. What started out as an idea to make gardening an easier, more productive task in less space has turned into a worldwide movement! The Square Foot Gardening Foundation was born out of this movement with its mission being to “teach self-sustainability and reliance through gardening”and to “promote a lifestyle that manages your health in a positive manner”.

Our Foundation works hard to get out into our local communities to promote the SFG lifestyle by showing all age groups how easy this method is and how much harvest can be produced, even in a smaller space. One 4’x4’garden can grow enough to produce one salad A DAY for one person during the growing season! Our major projects include garden installations throughout our areas. The foundation often donates pre-fabricated Square Foot Garden components to organizations and projects. Our staff will then attend the installation events associated with these projects to assist with assembly and offer short instruction classes and question-and-answer sessions.

While the Foundation is based out of Columbia, South Carolina, we have Certified Instructors all over the world that help us reach out even farther. Our CI’s do everything from hosting instruction classes, to garden installations in schools, libraries and various shelters, to traveling to other countries to teach those in less-fortunate circumstances a way to provide their families with food. Some of our CI’s have even turned their gardening hobby into successful businesses! Anyone can become a certified instructor by taking an online course offered through our website. Once you have your certificate you can go out into YOUR community and help others.

The SFG Foundation has so much to offer the world, we are only limited by the imaginations of our dedicated SFG’ers. Visit our webpage at squarefootgardening.org to learn more about us, including our current and past projects, or to check out opportunities that are available to you. You can browse our products, to include pre-fabricated gardens, other SFG supplies and copies of our instruction books (check out our brand new Square Foot Gardening with Kids book!) at squarefootgardening.com.

Happy Spring!!