Penny Pinching Perfect Plans to Grow Green Thumbs


Readers ask, “How do you get a new idea each month for an article?” I really do not spend time thinking about what to write. Because I love children, flowers, gardening and exploring, the ideas often find me. With this 38th article I find myself in the fourth sPring and call upon my sPring garden muse. Inspirations flood my thoughts with Ps a Plenty; Pots of clay, frilly Parsley and Packets of seeds.

20150329_131439The first Penny Pinching Garden Project begins by gathering up all the clay Pots that seem to multiply like spores from mushrooms after a rain. Birds will bathe in any vessel that will hold rain. Build a clay pot birdbath. I choose a short, circular clay Pot to serve as a base, add two more Pots for the Pestle and top it a Pyrex Pie Plate, a Perfect bathing bowl for chickadees, bluebirds or sPring robins.20150329_145230

The second Penny Pinching Garden Project happens when I spy a bundle of $0.89 Parsley all frilly, green and Pretty in the vegetable section of the grocery store. I think, “Fresh herbs keep best in a vase of water. Why not select a special vase and use it as the spring table bouquet?” If you select a Pot that is transparent to light, roots can aPPear and they can be Planted.

The third Penny Pinching Garden Project begins with the rack of Packets of seeds. I see vibrant colors and recall my mother’s stand of hollyhocks. They are biannual and will bloom next sPring surPrising you with a variety of colors. If you want blooms this year, visit a garden center for one year old Plants.

Come see what Ruby has been painting, writing and growing. She is 2015-03-29 15.48.08opening her Art Party Press, Studio and Gallery to the public as a participating artist in Columbia Open Studio Saturday, April 11, 10-6 and Sunday, April 12, 12-6.