If You Make It, They Will Come


I am painting roosters (2017 is the Year of the Rooster), flowers, landscapes in oil and watercolor, creating Lamps Reimagined by Ruby, teacup birdfeeders and teacup lamps. I will set up a table of my eclectic treasure finds from junking excursions. All this activity will end on March 31, as I am an artist participating in Columbia Open Studio 2017. All over Richland and Lexington counties, artists will be opening their studios April 1 & 2 to the public free of charge. My three children’s books of nonfiction science will be for sale: Growing Little Green Thumbs, Earth Turns on Its Axis, and. . . , and Appalachian Mornings (www.theartpartypress.weebly.com ). The Lucky in Love series will be ready for you to see and select one for your home. Come see the dry creek that runs through the front yard
Y’all Come,

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