Bird of the Month – Carolina Chickadee


chickadeeThe Carolina Chickadee is one of my favorite birds and I like nearly all birds. It is a curious little fellow weighing just one half ounce. They are inquisitive and are found in wooded areas across much of North America. There are three common species ( Carolina, Black Capped and Mountain ) and a few less common. Our Chickadee is the Carolina Chickadee. Some say it is almost tame as it will wait just inches away while you fill the feeder. I have had them eat out of my hand.
Chickadees are cavity nesters. They will excavate their own nest site in decaying or rotten wood or use an old woodpecker hole or use a nesting box. They are usually monogamous and stay with the same mate for life. Though they are regular visitors to feeders over 75% of their winter food supply comes from natural sources. They do not migrate even in very cold regions. It is said that a fully fed Chickadee can withstand very cold temps. Research has shown that when temps reach 10 F the survival rate doubles when they have access to feeders.
If you don’t feed the birds but would like to start this fascinating hobby give us a call at Wild Birds Unlimited on Forest Drive. We are happy to answer your questions regarding birds.

Our telephone #: 803-782-5700.
Jim Kelly – Wild Birds Unlimited 4711 Forest Drive, Columbia