A recipe handed down from Miss Mildred and modified by Miss Patsy
2 Chopped Medium Onions
2 Medium Potatoes
1 Large Can Milk
1 Quart Skim Milk
1 Can Whole Kernel Corn
2 Tablespoons Sugar
3 Tablespoons Butter
1 Tablespoon Cooking Oil
Sea Food Seasoning (to taste)
Salt, Pepper, Garlic (to taste)
½ Bottle Ketchup or (to taste)
Cook Chopped onions and diced potatoes together with a little water in a large pot until tender. Set aside.
Add salt, pepper and butter, sugar and oil.
Remove dark skin, discard, from salmon and mash with sea food seasoning and add to pot.
Add canned milk, skim milk or more, and ketchup to taste.
Bring warm stew to a simmer. Not a Boil. The boiling point will curdle the milk.
Serve with crackers and enjoy.