Greetings – I’m Bill Kunze!


landscaper_shadow_200My name is Bill Kunze. That’s me up there waving my hat! Greetings! I’d like to take a moment to tell you about us …

May I encourage you to subscribe, because, it is absolutely FREE:
IT IS : all about Columbia,SC
IT IS: an exercise in experimentation with lots of surprises along the way.

May I also encourage you to forward this magazine to any of your friends who you think might be interested in ways to get more joy out of life.

Our garden writers want you to get more joy from your yard. That can happen for you as you begin to employ the tips in this newsletter.  If you decide to join us on our quest for beauty, you will be glad you did because you will have engaged your body, mind and soul in the process. So may I encourage you to just take a few minutes to look over this magazine, pick out a few things you want to try, then begin to try them in your soon-to-be-famous Garden of Eden.

At Jungle Taming, we take unattractive grounds and make them beautiful again. This involves imagination, vision, and  manicuring effort which is far beyond what it would take to simply maintain grounds.
No greater joy exists for us than taking on the challenge of changing what looks impossibly ugly and making it beautiful again. That’s why we call our business “Jungle Taming.”
Most of the people in the lawn maintenance business are geared up for speed (and multiple jobs per day) and cannot expend the time and effort required to tackle “jungle” projects. After all, to do this job properly,one must frequently get down on hands and knees and crawl around under large shrubs and trees. How else can a person remove vines and saplings from under a beautiful old azalea or camellia? Most lawn maintenance crews are not trained in horticulture and are not skilled in the care of shrubs and perennials and trees.