Homeschool Gardening Begins!


Homeschooler Gardening
by Jonna Lil Hatfield

These articles are chronicling the newly planted garden and subsequent gardens of a Homeschooler. The garden is for hands-on learning of science, plant life, cycles, minerals, food-chain, and nutrition. All too often, digging in the dirt is vanishing from today’s sanitized society; however, homeschoolers get this luxury. Simply go into the backyard and dig.

Once the garden was established, our homeschooler begins to notice seed fruition when a sprout comes up. After simply putting a seed into the ground, amazing things start to happen.

The birds were able to get to some seeds and so, highlighting a negative effect, those plants did not exist.

This is truly going to be written by the Homeschooler – Jonna Lil. She is massively excited and hopes that she inspires other homeschoolers to plant their garden.

Our Garden Begins!handwritten

Why did you decide to plant a garden?

Because I want to grow anything I want. We want to eat the plants.

What steps did you take to get your garden ready?

Daddy tilled the garden and we pulled the grass out. We formed the rows with a hoe. We put the seeds in the rows, then we covered the seeds in the rows up with soil.  We watered them, and we put name tags in the rows to show where each plant will start growing.


What did you plant in your garden?

Cabbage, basil, lettuce, wax beans, lima beans, corn, sweet bell peppers, spaghettis squash, cucumbers, watermelon, and rosemary.

The birds ate the rosemary, cucumbers and watermelon, none of those plants lived.

What are some of the first issues you have run into with the garden?

We lost some seeds to birds. Right now, there are holes in our cabbage leaves from cabbage worms.

As you see, learning a garden is fun!


  1. I hope you read my June article and make a place for the pollinating butterflies to puddle. The July article will tell you how to attract the toads to your garden to eat the pests.