Just Tomatoes, Peppers and Okra


With all the rain we have had, our little garden has experienced a major shift in what it is going to produce for us. We have been left with some great little green peppers, some tomatoes, and okra.

Our little girl is having to learn that sometimes the plans change…..WP_000689


Mommy gets 1 or 2 okra everyday. The first two she picked, Daddy quickly cooked for us for an appetizer.

Our tomatoes are very tasty but look weird. They have lots of lines on them.

WP_000686Our green peppers have a wonderful scent, but they are small. They don’t last long.

The one thing that keeps growing, and the bees like it, is our Mammoth Basil. I cut leaves off it all the time for Daddy to cook with. The bees don’t mind, they keep on the flower part.

Mommy pulled all the corn from the garden and keeps it in a bag to plant next year. I don’t know what we are going to plant for the winter yet. We have to let these plants finish.WP_000685WP_000684(2)