Preparing for Bird Nesting Season


Nesting season is rapidly approaching. Are you ready ?
Are your nesting boxes ready? Now is a perfect time to clean out your bird houses. Get rid of the old nesting material, wipe the box out with paper towels and prepare it for spring. Also that will help the birds that might use the box on a cold wet night. Bluebirds are famous for using nest boxes for shelter during cold winter nights. I have seen as many as five adult birds go into a bird house on wintry evenings. Chickadees, Titmice, and Nuthatches will also seek shelter in boxes. Another benefit for the birds is that a clean box will have fewer mites than a box that has been allowed to sit with old nesting material. That means a more healthy brood next spring.
If you have birding questions we are happy to answer them. Give us a call at Wild Birds Unlimited on Forest Drive . We are the Backyard Bird Feeding Specialist. Located across from Bone Fish Grill on Forest Drive, 803-782-5700