Spotlight Artist of Chapin


Ruby's (5)Ruby is the Spotlight Artist for the Chapin Chamber of Commerce during October.












Artful pursuits allow me to imagine a place like Hummingbird Paradise  (on display during Oct in the Chapin of Commerce), or Coi Fish, accepted into the SC State Fair 2017 Fine Arts Exhibit and on display October 11-22.Ruby's (1)Ruby's (2)


I enjoy salvaging old lamp parts to use to design new lamps. The small ones are called Cookbook Lamps , as they have kitchen themes and fit under the kitchen counter to make reading cookbook recipes easier. Lamps can be found at the Little Antique Store on the Corner in Little Mountain. Ruby's (3)

I write and illustrate children’s nonfiction science books available at Learning Express in Lexington, Books on Main and Gallery 101 in Newberry, Palmetto Fine Arts and Art Can Studio & Gallery in Chapin. Ruby's (4)

I enjoy author/illustrator visits to elementary schools. I am thankful that God made me a very busy bee and I continue to be amazed and engaged in plein aire painting. This is the latest piece produced in Winsborough during Oil Painters of America organized by Barbara Yongue with Mark Horton, workshop instructor.Ruby's (6)