5 Ways to Spend the Evenings for Educational Enlightenment with Entertainment


A few years ago while walking out of a meeting with the Jungle Taming Newsletter crew, I made the remark that that evening I was going to teach and entertain a class at Midlands Technical College. One of the crew interjected,” you are supposed to teach and not entertain”. Before I could re-enforce my statement, Jack, owner of Cor Digital Technology, Media & Design replied, “entertainment is a part of teaching”. I’ve often thought of that and it is true. One of my Clemson University professors, “Frosty” Bouknight, was very effective in combining entertainment with teaching. I learned this teaching method several years ago while instructing a class entitled Nursery Production at Midlands Technical College. One winter’s evening while teaching in a warm classroom, a student would dose off, and his wife would wake him by poking him. She apologized for his behavior after class that night stating that he suffered from a sleep disorder. The next class, I was ready for him. Each time he closed his eyes, I would tell of my embarrassing moments and stories, relating to the subject at hand, in my many years in landscaping and nursery production. It worked. Laughter overcomes sleep.

Let me guide you through 5 educational ways to begin to be enlightened and entertained to a certain degree. First of all, go online.

  1. Type Landscape Classes Columbia S C
  2. Click on Landscaping and Horticulture Certificate Program
  3. Click on any one of the Course Names
  4. Scroll down to see the various courses being offered. There you will find a wealth of information to learn or enhance your learning in Landscaping and Horticulture by taking these courses.

Nursery Production, Greenhouse Management & Propagation. This is where it all begins. We will begin to follow a germinating seed or fresh cutting on its route to becoming a salable plant. This is a must for anyone interested in growing plants. Plants are like people, they need a great beginning. This class begins Jan. 15, 2015. Enjoy.


Soil Management. All living things came from the soil. Thomas Jefferson, America’s 3rd President and an avid organic gardener, once wrote,” No occupation is as delightful to me as the culture of the earth”. Leonardo da Vinci once said more than 500 years ago “We know more of the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot”. Did you know that 1 spoon full of clay soil has a surface area of a football field and a handful of soil you hold in your hand contains billions of organisms? Sign up for this class and learn about a voyage beneath your feet. This class begins Feb. 9, 2015. Enjoy.


Home Vegetable Gardening. If you are concerned about what goes on your dinner plate, and what may be in or on your vegetables, this course is for you. Learn the art of growing your own vegetables in raised beds and in containers. These are the 2 major backyard methods used today. Also, Traditional Row planting and Square Foot planting will be discussed, as well as the new Variable Level Adaptive Garden method. This class begins Mar. 5. 2015. Enroll and we’ll grow together.


Landscape Construction. If you are contemplating beginning a landscape business or hiring someone to construct a concrete driveway, paver sidewalk, outdoor lighting, deck, segmented retaining wall, koi pond or water fall, wooden fence, pergola, arbor outdoor kitchen, this class for you. This class begins May 6, 20015. Enjoy.


Lawn Care. In most instances, everyone owning a home has a lawn. Come with me in this course and learn what turfgrass is good for your yard, when to fertilize, what fertilizer to apply, how to irrigate, when to irrigate, identify lawn diseases, insect infestations and cultural practices of our 4 warm season turfgrasses. Let’s solve your lawn problems together in class. This class begins June 7, 2015. Sign up and enjoy.

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Ron has 40 years of landscaping experience. Since 1975, he has owned and operated Tookeedoo Farms, a landscaping and nursery business. With two degrees from Clemson University, he is also a horticulture and landscape teacher at Midlands Tech, and was honored as the Adjunt Professor of the Year in Continuing Education in 2006. As owner of Cowart Landscaping Consulting, LLC, Ron’s goal is to “arm the homeowner with knowledge.” PLEASE NOTE: Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent Jungle Taming's opinions.