A Window of Opportunity

Yes, there are myriads of love songs, but have you ever thought about the number of dream songs? I recall buying a ticket to South Pacific, settling down in a theater seat and listening to the lyrics of Happy Talk, “You gotta have a dream, If you don’t have a dream, How you gonna have a dream come true?”Then, there is the musical command, “Dream the Impossible Dream!” 
    20160712_085404_resized As I sit on my couch and gaze out the picture window, I ask, “What do you want to see this spring?” The 80 shades of green view becomes a vision of a dry creek worthy of magazine fame. Eureka! not only will this green space become a path of beauty; it will solve the driveway drainage problem. There is truth in the Chinese proverb, “Life begins when you plant a garden.” I explored the gardening books section of the library, surfed the web for ‘constructing a dry creek’ articles, asked Jeanna, my landscaper, to bring the tiller to soften the dirt, so it could be shoveled into a creek bed form. 
20160728_103127_resized This photo shows that we’re rocking with landscaping fabric, three 10 foot sections of trench drain, river rock, pea gravel and sheer determination. Working on this project is becoming a window of opportunity to bring joy. The encore azaleas are struggling in this August heat; however, a Texas sage blooms as if to say, “I like my new home.”
   Come spring, I will share pictures of our impossible dream progress; or, I’ll share my new lyrics to “Help! Help! Me Ron Cowart!”