Make Toad Frogs at Home In Your Garden


A frog of green is often seen.

That frog of brown that you just found,

Hopping down the road is a toad!

To a long flicking tongue so quick 

1,000s of mosquitoes will stick.

A garden mosquito machine

Eats voraciously! “ Zip! Zap! Zing!”

•    Make Toad Frogs at Home in Your Garden – NEVER purchase or capture frogs or toads to release into your yard. Chances are good they will die. Follow the tips and build the best habitat you can. Be patient and remember, if you build it, they will come.
•    Provide Shelter – To get these cute little amphibians to control your pest problems, build little toad sanctuaries in heavy shade by placing some bricks on the ground to support boards and then covering the boards with plant pots or soil, creating a cool, damp, dark little cave-like structure they can hide in during the heat of the day. If you choose to use those cute little terra-cotta ‘toad abodes’, be sure to keep them in damp, shaded areas; they become toad microwaves out in the sun!
•     Provide Water – Access to clean water is one of their biggest necessities. Place water sources at ground level near plants having pest problems; birdbath saucers sunk flush to the earth work great for this. The toads will naturally migrate to the moisture when they come out at night and then eat the closest bugs.
•    Go Organic – . Frogs, toads and salamanders and other beneficial amphibians have porous skin which makes them helpless against toxic herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. Prevent mosquitoes breeding in that water with a monthly application of BTI, a completely non-toxic natural organism isolated from soils.


Science Questions to Search:  How many insects can a single adult toad eat in a summer? How do frogs breathe? What effect does water pollution have on frogs? Where is a frog’s tongue attached and how does this location help?


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