Preparing for Spring


Winter may  not seem to be a good time to get work done in the garden, but a lot of work is being done already by plants and bacteria and fungi, and Spring gardening can be a lot more productive when we help natural processes along in the winter, and make things ready for a burst of life in the Spring.

Better not to have the excitement of Spring ruined by fast growing Wisteria and other vines.
Gardens can be loved back into shape and made ready for Spring by cleaning fence lines, removing ivy and wisteria that has overtaken beds, trimming up trees whose branches are hiding shrubs and the house itself,  painting herbicide on cut stumps of  troublesome vines, spreading mulch, getting rid of trash made more visible in the winter such as piles of bricks or rusted old fences, etc. 
Winter is also a good time for transplanting.
 Also keep in mind that labor costs are lower in the winter in that physical labor is more efficiently performed in cool weather than when it's blazing hot.